Thursday, October 21, 2010

Giveaway - Witch Craft!

I love fall in general and Halloween in particular, so I was thrilled when I was asked to contribute to a Halloween craft book. I was even more excited when I finally got to handle the book in person - the projects and photographs are gorgeous, and I have my fingers crossed that I manage to free up enough time to get through at least a few of them next week.

You can find Witch Craft online at Amazon, or in person at Barnes and Noble. Or you can win a copy here! Just leave a comment on this post and share something. Something you love about fall, or maybe the best Halloween costume you've ever had, or your favorite candy to get in your pillowcase. I have two copies to give away, so I'll pick winners on Friday evening and I'll mail books out on Saturday so you can get some crafting in immediately.

I'm happy to ship to my international readers, of course. Because we're so close to the holiday you might not receive your book in time, but you could always keep it for next year.


  1. So this is the first year I actually have a house to decorate and I've been super excited! I've made framed subway art, glittery skulls popping out of frames, blackbirds scattered all over the place and, yesterday, I made my Halloween costume. I don't think I'll ever be too old to dress up. :)

    Congratulations on being asked to contribute to the book! That's awesome.

  2. AWESOME!!!!
    I love the weather...the crispness (is that even a word)... the mood changes and there just seems to be excitement in the air...
    I would absolutely LOVE to get this book...
    Fingers crossed!

  3. Fun! I'd love to see what you came up with for the book!

    Share something? Okay, I'm taking my grade 8 students on a field trip to the science centre today to see an exhibit about Einstein and Darwin, and then we're going for a walk in the river valley to see what beauty we can find in the ordinary. They're going to take pictures and do some sketching.

  4. Oh, congratulations, Rachel! You! Crafting! In print!

    I'm fond of carrying pumpkins around.

  5. I would LOVE to win this for my best friend Chrissy. I have always been pretty ambivalent about Halloween (I get it from my mother, she's not a huge fan either), but this year my husband and I bought our first house. When we told people familiar with the area where we were moving, a bunch of them said "Oh, that street just goes CRAZY for Halloween!" Wanting to fit in with the neighborhood spirit, I turned to Chrissy, who gave me a handful of cute ideas I could actually stomach trying on my own. I AM excited to see the kids in their costumes, though, since we never had trick-or-treaters at our apartments in the past. Chrissy would just adore this book, so I'm crossing my fingers!

  6. In Washington DC, Hallowween usually signifies the first time of the year you cans tand to wear a sweater, and I LOVE sweaters...

  7. Ooh, this book looks so fun!
    My favorite thing about fall is the food, specifically pumpkin spice lattes and homemade applesauce with apples from the orchard. I love fall!

  8. Congratulations - looks like a fun book! Best thing about fall? Cider mills, colored leaves, mini pumpkins and cinnamon doughnuts. Best costume I ever had: Captain Hook in college - my roommates were Tinkerbell and Peter Pan.

  9. OOOh what a fun book idea! I love fall on the east coast when the leaves change colors and my favorite silliest Halloween costume was being a nun when I was 8. (can you tell i went to catholic school?!)

  10. Your book sounds so cute! What did you contribute? I love fall food-sweet potatoes, baked apples, pumpkin cupcakes, and hot chocolate. I also love all the changing leaves.

  11. the book looks wonderful!
    my favorite thing about fall is hiking! my parents always took me and my sisters and i have grown up loving it! summer hiking is fun, but being in New England with the leaves changing colors is just amazing, especially from a view at the top of a mountain!

  12. my mom always made sure we had THE BEST homemade costumes. one year, i was a monarch butterfly and my little brother was a spider, complete with 8 gangly legs. i think dressing up is just more fun when you do it the old-fashioned way!

  13. I think one of my all time favorite costumes was when I was about 10 years old and my mom rocked it - she made me into a chocolate Dairy Queen milkshake. I had this huge contraption that slid over my head and was the shape of the cup with big red felt DQ and dennis the menace picture cut outs from realy dairy queen cups, then brown tulle all around my head for the "chocolate" and a big straw coming out. I was addicted to DQ so it only made sense that I got to be one for halloween too!!

  14. ohh...congrats!!
    i'm always wishing for a little swedish fish at halloween :)

  15. What fun! Thanks for hosting (and congrats!).

    My favorite Halloween crafting was for a party I threw two years ago. I wanted it to be a little more "grown up" Halloween than childish, so I did a seated dinner and decorated with chic black and white block floral fabric, tall glass cylinders filled with orange and white pumpkins, and lots of feathery masquerade masks. Everything - from the name cards for the table to the glasses from which we drank our "fancy" cocktails - felted spirited and special!


  16. I think my best costume was fall of 2005. I was a spider. I got four pairs of striped knee high socks, wore a pair on my arms and a pair on my legs. I then stuffed and sewed the other pairs onto a black tank top. I then attached all my upper "legs" with fishing line, so they'd move when I moved my arms.

  17. My favorite thing about fall is that it finally cools off enough to start really cooking againg. Gumbos and chilis and stews, oh my!

  18. I love the cripsness of the air and bundling up with a cute scarf! Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

  19. My favorite part of fall is snuggling on the couch in sweaters and socks sipping cider with all the windows open blowing cool air through the house (especially after the hot hot humid summer we had here in chas, sc)

    and new this year i am living in a neighborhood where we most definitely will be visited by plenty of trick or treaters, i love seeing all the cute costumes and the last 5 years i lived on an island where no one came by

    congratulations on your making it in print, love your photos and content!!!

  20. The craft book looks amazing! I'd LOVE to see what's inside.

    The best part of fall for me is the sound leaves make when you walk on them. I love crunching through leaves on my walk to studio. It just feels lovely!

  21. My husband and I moved to Holland last November so, this is my first Autumn abroad. The food I'm craving is pumpkin pie! You cannot find canned pumpkin in the grocery stores so a good old-fashioned Libby pumpkin pie is out of the question. Plus, pumpkins are not so popular either. I have been dying to carve a huge Jack-O-Lantern! As you can see, my favorite thing about fall are pumpkins! I have been "getting my fix" online through various blogs and websites looking at all the great ideas for Halloween. Keep posting! It makes home not so far away :)

  22. The book looks awesome.

    I'm actually a halloween baby so that's definitely something I'm semi-looking forward to, not sure if I actually want to be 22 or not!


  23. this book looks fantastic.

    i've always loved the cozy and pleasant fall weather, but the past two years with a baby, i've really started to appreciate the fun of halloween costumes. last year he was a turtle, this year, it's so hard to decide. i've also started to really get into pumpkin carving. so fun.

    thanks for such a great giveaway!

  24. The book looks so cool, I can't wait to see your project!
    I was lucky to have a mom who sewed our halloween costumes. My favorite was a dog costume my mom made me when I was 8; she cut up a couple of stuffed animals and sewed patches (for spots) on a black cat suit, then she glued some ears on to barettes for my hair. It was really cute (and warm!).

  25. So fun! Fall is my favorite for so many reasons, one of which being that it's finally a good temperature to cook again--and fall dishes are my favorites. Pumpkin pie, stew, chowder...the list goes on!

  26. Wow, congratulations! So happy for you!
    For me, the best part of fall is all the leaves changing colors and covering the streets and sidewalks. So pretty!

  27. This year my husband and I will be hosting our first-ever Halloween party! Even though it will just be our close family, we're still going nuts (a very good nuts) with all the planning. I had a blast making the invites (that rhymed!), I'm loving creating gross sounding names for the food we will serve, and thinking about the laughter that will ensue when we play cheesy Halloween themed games might be the best part of the whole affair. My family is no stranger to some good, childish fun, so of course we're all extremely excited! Long live Halloween!

  28. The book look awesome, really cool that you are in it! When I was 5, I wanted to a a solid gold dancer. My mom dressed me in all silver :)

  29. so FUN. i would love a chance to win :)

  30. I love the beautiful olive green flower hair pin I bought from your shop last week! The color is so autumn.

  31. how exciting! i love everything revolving around halloween: watching scary movies, going to pumpkin patches, drinking apple cider, eating too much candy and wearing fun costumes.

  32. Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. A few reasons being: hot cocoa sipping, pumpkin picking, pie baking,falling leaves, riding boots with cashmere sweaters, and of course, homemade costumes. My parent's once dressed me as a gypsy when I was 8. They put this vest on me that came out of the infamous "Halloween Box" that weighed a million pds, due the fact it was covered in old coins, it was fabulous. My dad is being Flaver Flave this year, I can hardly wait. Thanks for your amazing blog, I always look forward to it!

  33. I loooovvve fall!
    I'm a grad student and I am usually much to preoccupied with my research to remember that there is life outside of school but I recently got married and got into looking though blogs for ideas and diy tutorials! I love crafting now! I made 78 cloth flowers or the wedding and now I'm trying to think of creative ways to display them...there is no way I'm throwing away all that hard work!
    Anyhow, I would love to check out all the great crafting ideas in this new book!

  34. How lovely -- congratulations! I, too, share the fall love. What I love most is the beautiful slant of light -- it looks like spun gold to me. I so miss Southern California this time of year, this time of beautiful light, it was magic to me. -- Laurie

  35. i love this post and this book! so fun! i love fall AND halloween is my favorite holiday! i've been dorothy for the past 3 years because i bought vintage ruby slippers that i just simply can't not not wear once a year! happy thursday! xo

  36. Great giveaway! Fall is by far my favorite season. I love the baking that's involved with Thanksgiving and Christmas. I also love pulling out my harvest decor and setting it up around the house.

  37. That book looks super awesome!! Fall is definitely my favorite season and Halloween is my favorite holiday! One of the reasons is I love anything pumpkin flavored, and another is I love any excuse to dress up!

  38. Congratulations! How awesome that you were asked to contribute! Now, when are you going to publish your own crafting book? ;)

    (No need to include me in the drawing since I don't do much for Halloween. I just wanted to say congrats.)

  39. That book looks awesome!
    And congratulations on your spot in it!

    We go all out for Halloween. The inside of the house has been decorated for three weeks now but the outside is still waiting for all the unexpected rain we've had to clear up!
    Happy Halloween!

  40. It must be really neat to see your idea published. I think I'd have those pages framed!

    My best Halloween costume was the picture of Dorian Gray. I made a large cardboard picture frame and decorated it with scrolly bits (made with tissue paper and glue), then spray painted it gold and attached it to a top hat. Then I put a black layer of clothing on, and on top of that a Victorian style top half (shirt, blazer and cravat). Then I cut any part of the Victorian layer that was outside of the frame off, leaving just the black layer. And I had my face painted by a professional children's face painter! It was epic for someone who had never really celebrated Halloween before.

    Here's a picture, I'm snagging it from Facebook so I hope it will work:

    My friend kept the gold picture frame hanging around a collage of photographs in her living room for a year afterwards until she moved abroad. I loved seeing it when I visited.

  41. I LOVE fall days when the air is a bit chilly, the sky is blue, and the leaves are vibrant. I could stare up into the sky for hours. :)

    Hubby and I are also taking a trip to the pumpkin patch tonight, so I'm very excited for that!

  42. Halloween is hands down my favorite holiday, and this book looks great! Witch is usually my standby costume, but last year I went as a Gashlycrumb Tiny (Maud, who was swept out to sea).

  43. I recently moved to the Mississippi River Valler, aka Middle of Nowhere, MN, from Cleveland. As much as I adore my hometown, the hundreds of trees on the dozens of bluffs I see everyday are just breathtaking!

  44. Can't wait to check out the book -- I hope I win!

    My dad made me a Hershey's Kiss costume when I was in 2nd grade, It was so awesome - definitely the best costume I ever had. He created it from hula hoops, cardboard, and tinfoil. Now I know where I get my crafty side from!

  45. omg that book looks so cute! We don't really do Halloween in Australia but I wish we did. Last year my friend had a halloween party which was pretty much my first halloween ever. I went as Dorothy and I made myself a dress. It was so much fun! I really wish we did halloween in Australia.

  46. I'm only 4'10", so when I hit on this idea it was like, well, finding gold. ;) One year, i took a particularly liking to fedoras and trying them on in a store, I found one that looked more like a little leprechaun hat. So I decided to be a leprechaun. Shamrock green t-shirt and funny striped tights, big goofy green shoes, and a pot of gold later, I was transformed! And I loved the goofiness of mixing Halloween with St. Patty's Day!

  47. Oh Fall is absolute FAVORITE! One year, when I was a Freshman in college I had five different Halloween costumes: I was an aviator, a mail carrier, a vampire, one of three blind mice, and my favorite, which was the funnest costume ever, a bunch of purple grapes! All of those costumes I made eitehr by myself or with my roomates. I think homemade costumes are always the best!

    I love dressing up, but I love decorating my home for Halloween too. I'd keep it up all year long if it was socially acceptable :)

  48. rather than my best costume, I thought I'd share my worst...It was just after "The Little Mermaid" had come out and I wanted to be Ursula so badly. While my mom is/was an amazing mom my whole life, crafting/diy was not here thing. I remember her taking me to KMart, buying me an oversized black sweatshirt and an 8 pack of men's over the knee socks. We then went home, stuffed the knee socks with old shoulder pads and she hand stitched them to the bottom of the sweatshirt. She threw a feather boa on me and sent me on my way trick or treating as an very sad looking octopus...

  49. ooooh !!! love hallowe'en and would love to win this!!


  50. I love Halloween. I have a very creative, crafty mother, who always made me amazing, creative costumes. My favorite was probably when I was in second grade and I was a one-eyed-one-horned-flying-purple-people-eater. It involved a purple unitard, big purple wings she crafted onto backpack straps, yellow polka dots, a horn, it was amazing. None of the other kids knew who I was (wasn't exactly a current song at the time) but I thought it rocked.

  51. I live overseas so I appreciate your sending it! I would love to try out something for Halloween for family who live abroad because in my country we do not celebrate this festival.

  52. I'm so excited this year for halloween! I'm trying my hand at sewing a Rainbow bright costume for myself! I'm excited to see your addition to the Witch Craft book! Congrats!

  53. I flipped through this at Borders and fell in love with it. Congrats on your contribution, it's so fun!

  54. Halloween signifies the time of the year when my our friends and I get to truly celebrate a holiday that is entirely ours (no family or religious obligations on the 31st!) We usually do group costumes: one year we were the characters from Arrested Development, one year Reno 911!, one year Team Zissou from Life Aquatic. Because most of our husbands are/were grad students we've been slowly moving away from each other. Last year was the last Halloween together (Classic Batman TV show characters), and while we can't celebrate together this year, we are already planning for next year! :)

  55. The best thing about fall? It would have to be the things I miss most about autumn in Indiana: crunchy leaves, bonfires, blackened marshmallows, and cozy socks.

    I would LOVE this book. It would be great to bring some fall down to sunshine state!

  56. This seems like a really cool book! I love crafting, especially around any holiday :) My favorite candy to receive in my pillowcase has to be Reese's peanut butter cups! They have always been my favorite candy and still continue to be, even in my adult age :)

  57. Thanks for the chance to win! This year, I'm curious about the Jon Stewart rally we're attending the day before Thanksgiving!

  58. I adore those little apples! and the shoes on the cover. :) I'm quite curious as to your contribution...

  59. This book looks fantastic! I'm crafting-challenged so I need every guide I can get- would love this!

    And, I love that you said candy in the pillowcase. Reminds me of being a kid and grabbing that case from the linen closet before we headed out- such wonderful memories!

  60. i love wee tiny perfect acorns

  61. we don't get them here but if I were trick or treating in the states I'd love to get Reece's Pieces in my pillow case, yum, yum!

  62. I love pumpkins....pumpkin muffins, pumpkin candles, carving pumpkins, pumpkin lotion, pumpkin cookies, etc.....

  63. I love the crisp smell of the air.

  64. I love the crisp, fall air - perfect football weather. Smells awesome, crunchy leaves & wrapping up in warm sweaters (but I push the coats away as late as I can!).

  65. I would love some new crafting ideas for Halloween! The best costume I've ever had was probably a couples costume - a friend and I were Fred & Wilma Flintstone! I made Fred's shirt and tie and I even had an orange wig! Thanks for doing this giveaway :)

  66. What I like about fall is admiring all the treasures nature offers such as those magic golden leaves falling from trees, walking on those crispy leaves, eating hot pumpkin soup, putting on cozy cardigans, wearing witch striped tights and hooded coats...and having a good book like Witchcraft to browse through well tucked in bed at nights.

  67. The best costume ever is going to be this year! I made my 17 month old niece a stink bud costume out of brown felt. It is absolutely adorable and hilarious at the same time.

  68. My favourite part about fall is the change in the weather - the cooler air that has that distinct autumn-y smell to it, and the crispy, colourful leaves. Pulling out chunky-knit cardigans and tights in shades of grey ...there's something romantic about the whole thing.

    My favourite part about Halloween is the cute treats, like these:

    I've always been a cookie person, and Halloween is just an excuse to make/eat more!

  69. I love candy corn and the smell of cinnamon around this time in October. The sight of pumpkins makes my heart flutter, as well.

  70. I love coffee shops in the fall. Walking there, getting the coffee and then taking a walk and sipping on the goodness. Yum!

  71. i LOVE fall!! my favorite things are the weather and....everything pumpkin!! pumpkin coffee, cake, cookies, pie, muffins, bread, etc. I'm a little obsessed :)

  72. Fall...October!!!! And the kids anticipate it every year! Sometimes I like to walk in the dark, I like to shout and scream. Sneak up behind someone you know; BOO is HALLOWEEN!!!

  73. congrats on the book!

    I still remember the princess costume my god mother made for me. I had to have been about 6 or 7. I think I wore it a couple years. Looking back,I can't say I looked like a princess, but I definitely felt like one!

    jen at crackpotshop dot com

  74. Anything pumkin falls into my category of Fall favorites. Pumpkin lattes, pumpkin waffles, pumpkin fudge. MMMMMmmmmm so good.

  75. How awesome is this? Congrats! Me and Halloween go way back. I love picking pumpkins and carving them and crafting with them (spray paint has been big for me this year), watching scary movies through my fingers, planning my Halloween costumes in March, baking Halloween treats, passing out candy to the trick or treaters, decorating my place with my collection of skulls and ravens. It's my favorite holiday and infinitely more fun than Christmas!

  76. There's nothing better than fall food. Sure, I love the crisp and cool weather, but the ability to drink a pumpkin spice latte tops the list.

  77. October and November are my absolute favorite months out of the year!!!! And yes, Halloween makes it at the top of my 'Holiday' list :) SO MANY crafts to do and SO MANY cute costumes! Nothing beats having people walk into your home with the smell of cinnamon and pumpkins in the air. This year, I'm dressing up as a Hogwarts student (just in time for the upcoming movie lol) Yes, I still love to dress up (even if I can't go trick or treating!)

  78. Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see all of the cute crafts in it!!!

  79. best halloween costume: my mom dressing me up as a sweet pea when i was a baby :)

  80. I am a summer lover all the way so fall is a little depressing for me. However, I love Halloween and all the decorations and costumes and...chocolate! I also love wearing boots and it finally gets cool enough for that here around Halloween.
    Great giveaway, thanks for the opportunity!

  81. I love everything pumpkin ... pumpkin pie, pumpkin lattes, etc. Delicious!!

    Congrats on the book!

  82. Love Fall- the crisp air, candles at night and pumpkin pie!

  83. The light. I love the light outside in Autumn.

  84. Having just moved to London from LA, I was surprised/excited to find Halloweeny things in stores here. Between MA seminars and reading (or, perhaps, in procrastination of them...) I have found myself browsing aisles just to look at all of the costumes/baking goods/decorations. For the most part, my affinity is for Fall, as a season, but I have such fond memories of Halloweens with mom-made costumes and family trick-or-treating. Fittingly, one of my most memorable costumes was when I was probably 8 or 9 and decided that mom should make me into Queen Elizabeth. Clearly, I was destined to end up in this country...
    Happy Fall and congratulations on being a published contributor!

  85. Congratulations on the book!! I look forward to seeing all the fun crafts inside.

    I love the weather. It's such a wonderful change from the harsh hot summer. I also love decorating with pumpkins. All the different shapes, sizes and colors. They are so fun and allow you to be so creative. I'm looking forward to getting a few candy apple lollipops in my bag :)

  86. Congrats on being included in this amazing-looking book! I've had a million strange homemade halloween costumes in my life, but some recent ones that stand out include Pippi Longstocking and St. Catherine from Renaissance art iconography. This year I'm thinking about Mz. Frizzle from The Magic Schoolbus books!

  87. I still love crunching on the leaves. My favorite costume was when I was 5 years old and my twin sister and I were a pair of dice.

  88. I love fall because it has such a home-y essence to it. Bring on the hot chocolate and pumpkin pies! (:
