Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday flowers

Dahlias, in the tiniest of jam jars.

dahlias, jam jar
{dahlias, jam jar}

I've been playing more with my 50 mm lens lately. Shooting wide open (keeping the f stop at 1.8) gives you that lovely blur in the background, which is also helpful for distracting the eye from the chronically busy condition of our dining room table.

dahlias, jam jar, table
{dahlias, jam jar, table}

Interestingly enough, this is sort of how the world looks to me without my glasses on (I'm almost unbelievably nearsighted) - perhaps that's why I find it so appealing.


  1. Beautiful! I like the blurry effect too.

  2. you're slowly convincing me that i need a frog for my flower arrangements. the dahlias' logic is especially lethal.

  3. what sweet flowers...dahlias have always been one of my favorites and they're even more appealing in small doses.

  4. i love that 1.8 like i love little else in the world.

    (and my film camera is a 1.5!)

  5. Lol, I am the same way without glasses/contacts, lovely bokeh and light! Have a happy weekened!

  6. lovely flowers.

    yes, once i bought a 50 mm lens, i've never taken it off. gotta love that f stop. there are 35 mm lenses available for nikon too but they are a bit pricier. the advantage is that the view is not so zoomed in. but the zoom on the 50 has grown on me.

  7. oooh, i think we have the same lens. canon? cheapie, but a goodie. I think mine was like $90 (actually my dad gave it to me because it was an extra), but it's a 1.8 and takes amazing pictures.

    I use it sooooo much more than my really expensive L series wide angle.

  8. I love these shots. A 50mm lens will be my next camera purchase - it's been on my wishlist for so long!

  9. do you have a frog in that jar?

  10. meet rachel: f-stop goddess and arranger of wee dahlias.

  11. love those tiny flowers
    i'm so nearsighted too
    love the look

  12. Those are so cute! Thanks for sharing!

  13. the scale is what makes it so great. happy vase.

  14. gorgeous pictures. i just got a 50mm not too long ago myself and i love it.


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