Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The weekend, briefly

Nearly non-stop weekend, which always seems to be how these three dayers play out.

A bit of cooking, sorting through boxes of childhood stuff, games of memory, a pie contest (we just went for the tasting - amazing!), and some puppy time, family visits.

green onion
{green onions}



pie tasting
{pie tasting}

marscapone fig pie
{marscapone fig pie}

circe + chocolate lab
{circe + chocolate lab}


  1. All that pie! That looks positively amazing.

  2. Oie. Lots of green onions and sorting was in my weekend as well. :] I went through 4 people's worth of mail. I came out with 2 1-foot high piles, wow. At least the office is clean now!

  3. i had a good weekend too - though not as busy, the rest was needed.

  4. Oh my, that is A LOT of pie! It looks like you had a great weekend!!

  5. that picture of Circe with her lab is too much and i so wish i had known about that pie tasting contest!

  6. wow. that marscapone fig pie looks divine.

  7. I love your old memory cards! That is a classic! I also love your dog. How darling!

  8. What a relief to know I'm not the only one who has been sorting through boxes of childhood things lately! I'm trying to get rid of most of it...but it takes so long! My parents let me keep nearly everything it seems and now...what to do with it all?

  9. Love the pie, + the drawing of the girl - did you do it Rachel?

  10. I'm jealous of the pie tasting. I'm also jealous of your awesome-looking old school memory game.

    Very cool, Rachel.

  11. i want to be at that pie contest!! pie-tasting is my idea of fun. xo

  12. Ooo, pie tasting!! Sounds like you had a great weekend!


  13. it looks like a great weekend!
    I had that same memory game!
    yumm.. pies. just rediscovered them this weekend. so tasty!

  14. my floor looks like that too when I sort- a big mess of piles.

    and that fig pie? yes please!

  15. i just lovve sifting through boxes of old papers & toys from my chilhood. it gives me that deep in the chest, happy feeling

  16. The fig pie! What a beauty! And also, the pie on the pie table that looks like a bunch of berries and a crust. Wow. It all looks so incredible.

  17. that pie contest looks amazing...

    i love sorting through old stuff. perfect rainy day activity.

  18. Now im starting to feel sorry for throwing away most of my childhood school papers.

  19. I've never wanted fig pie so bad in my life than after seeing that photo!

  20. Mmm pie. And what to do with childhood memories? Scan some, keep your favorites, and make sure to have an external hard drive. My max is one large manila envelope per year, and I've been working on scanning in old photos as well, to have an archive of events and favorites from each year. Obsessive, perhaps...but worth it to feel like everything is finally out of a big muddle.

  21. @ Lynne - I cannot take credit for the pie, but the drawing of the girl is a self portrait. Apparently I loved turtlenecks and overalls and thought my eyelashes were much more intense than they actually are!

    @ sunny - Can't believe you also had that memory set! I love it so much, even though some of the cards have been chewed on quite a bit (by teething toddlers).

    @ Bridget - we need to get on the scanning. My mom had four bankers boxes full of stuff just from me, so we went through it and pared it down to a small pile, making sure to save funny little things like student lunch menus and parent newsletters, along with some bits of school work and writing.

  22. dying over the fig pie!! yummmm..i love figs!


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