Thursday, January 1, 2009

Quiet thoughts


If any of you are actually able to read, through your champagne induced headaches, here are my resolution-ish things for the new year.

Slow down. I love this stage of my life with D, I love our apartment and our neighborhood and our friends and I want to bask in that for a while without thinking too much about the future.

Indulge myself a little more. I have no problem buying things for other people, but I tend to get embarrassingly cheap when it comes to little things for myself ($5 for a box of Tazo tea? I usually pass). This year I will buy myself little luxuries that make my days more rich. It's cheap in the long run.

Be a little selfish with my time. I tend to get overbooked and overextended and I feel guilty saying no to anything. I'm going to start making sure I get a little bit of time, even just 15 solid minutes a day, to sit quietly and think.

You'll notice I don't really have any concrete goals, which I'm sure is the way you are supposed to do this. Also, all my goals are a little selfish. I guess that makes this the year of being selfish, but in a good way. Hopefully.

I hope you're all on your way to starting a lovely new year!


  1. Hi Rachel, I can't see your email address anywhere, I have a little projectI want to see if you want to take part in - email me if you get a chance. What a great list - hope you have a great 2009!

  2. I love all of these! They feel right, as if the gods of the universe were saying, Rachel, you really need to make sure you do these things! Enjoy!

    Love and hugs@

  3. I love your goals! I find that the most generous people I know are also really careful about boundaries - they guard their time, energy and resources carefully so that giving becomes a deliberate and thoughtful act. I aspire to living that way.

    BUT - so far in 2009, I've had NO cigarettes and spent NO money. So that's a start at self-improvement.

  4. Rachel- your thoughts are not selfish at all. It is important to be in a good spot internally and so you have enough to give to others. One of my things to do is letter writing (see my post).
    Thanks for sharing!! xoxo

  5. Dear Rachel, I wish you a very happy new year.

  6. love your list . The last one is the best!!!

  7. what a beautiful photograph and a fabulous list of resolutions (that are actually attainable). happy new year. xoxo

  8. I'm with P: I think these things are so important--it's hard to give of oneself when one hasn't first taken a little time and maybe drunk a little cup of expensive tea and loved herself up. I think what you're calling "selfish" isn't selfish at all; rather, it's just an important part of taking care to make sure you don't suffer in other ways. Yay you!

  9. Why is it so difficult to indulge oneself? I find it hard, too, so to start the new year, I treated myself to a great massage yesterday Jan. 1!

  10. These are great goals, I think I share a few of them too. I hop you have a wonderful 2009!

  11. Your list is perfect and I wish you a wonderful new year.
    I always love coming here, you have such respect for life and the universe.
    You are so authentic to you - which can take a lifetime for many.

  12. I love your resolutions, I think we probably all need to be a bit more selfish...I know I do this year, with my time that is : ) The pic you posted with this is so sweet...I love peonies!!

  13. There's nothing wrong with being a little selfish. And let me tell you, Tazo tea is well worth it :) Happy New Year!

  14. Oh I love all these suggestions - things we should all consider!

  15. Those are wonderful resolutions. You have to be selfish to be able to take care of others.

  16. These are great resolutions! They are supposed to be a little selfish:) I kind of actually want to adopt all of these myself!

  17. I love these resolutions. They will enhance your life for sure and I think you will have a very nice time keeping them. :) Happy New Year!

  18. Wishing you all the loveliness in the world... I agree, time is so precious! ~Charmed as always*

  19. This is a wonderful resolution list for the new year. I think I need to adopt them myself.

  20. I love your resolutions and I'm trying to keep the same list as yours, pretty much. I laughed when I read the part about the 5$ Tazo tea, I'm the same!

  21. what lovely, centering and mindful resolutions. these are simply perfect.

    and i don't think they're selfish at all! i truly believe that taking care of others starts with taking care of yourself...otherwise you have nothing of yourself to give to others. here's to taking a moment to pamper and give yourself some TLC!

  22. great "resolutions" - I love the peek of the starbucks city mugs in the picture... I collect those everywhere I go!

  23. i love these resolutions and that photo is so pretty!


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