Thursday, June 17, 2010

four (wordy) things

one.    we got home at 11 pm last night (i have never been so grateful for my own insistence on making the bed with fresh, crisp sheets before leaving on a trip) and we were both back at work at 9 am this morning. not totally happy campers. we did, however, go to an early breakfast at our favorite diner and had our favorite, incredibly tall waitress. score. there is no food in our house except some withered carrots, hence the trip to the diner. note to self - buy food on the way home tonight. or at least remember to call ahead and order something for dinner.

two.    i managed to convince myself that my seatmate was planning to blow up the plane on my flight from newark to lax. i had already been in the air for 11 hours at this point, so i wasn't exactly at my peak. spent 20 minutes debating telling someone as we idled on the runway, finally decided i could take care of it myself, spent another 20 minutes deciding on the best course of action (verdict - swift, hopefully disabling blow to the windpipe, call for reinforcements), then fell asleep on the job, due to exhaustion. turns out he was just a really, really weird guy who likes to travel with multiple laptop chargers and many old yogurt containers full of hippie food. felt guilty for wrongly suspecting a socially awkward, overly sweaty person who probably gets enough grief in life. felt slightly better finding out later that d had made the same call and also come up with a contingency plan although he was hampered by the fact that i was sitting in the middle. decided that the airport security obsession has finally broken me, despite my best efforts to stay above it.

three.   i have over 1000 blog posts in my google reader and hundreds of photos on my camera. major backlog. oh, and my real work. the stuff i actually get paid to do. don't expect to see anything substantial from me anytime soon.

four.    true blood season premiere is waiting for me on the dvr. we considered staying up last night to watch it, but some sort of sanity won out and we went to bed like good little worker bees. now it is killing me. please tell me it was good. and don't tell me anything else. also, if you aren't already watching it, i recommend it highly. and i was violently opposed to the whole concept for at least a year when it first came out. not a vampire fan. at. all.


  1. welcome home! you are brave. we are plotting a week away and I actually scheduled a day off upon return at home. my best friend left for greece the morning you told us where you are! good luck catching up. <3

  2. (I am a whole season behind, no HBO. but I am VERY excited to start season two. But I HAVE already read the books. #teameric.)

  3. i really need to get into that habit of the clean sheets and house.. i always know it in my head but it never actually happens.

    greece is totally worth anything and i'm sure you'll get back to normal sooner than you think! xoxox

  4. ha so glad that you're finally into 'true blood.' let me tell does not disappoint. take your time adjusting back to your normal life and we'll be patiently waiting for your return. x

  5. welcome home! can't wait for your next post. (:

  6. Welcome home! Clean sheets waiting for you on your return was a genius idea. How did the crespedia hold up? Can't wait to hear about the trip!
    Oh, and True Blood was excellent. As always. :)

  7. Delurking to say...True Blood was good- thankfully no orgies were to be had, was it just me or was it out of control last season?!?

  8. I've watched the True Blood premier 3x now - so many details to catch. It's going to be a *good* season!

    Don't skip the "extras" section at the end!

  9. Yay welcome back! True Blood is back on form. You'll enjoy :) Mark everything as read in your reader and start over!

  10. welcome home. it all seems overwhelming at first but you'll be back in the swing of things in a week or so.

  11. Hey, glad you made it back safely!

    I totally agree about having crisp, clean sheets (and a clean house) to come home to. Especially if you get home late at night from halfway around the world.

    Take your time getting settled. We'll still be dying to see your pictures and hearing the stories when you get around to posting them.

  12. I always try and put new sheets on the bed the day we are leaving for anywhere now, so nice. TB was good! funny as ever.

  13. We missed you! It was rather lonely clicking around the interwebs knowing you were off doing real life stuff, like sunning in Crete and downing cherry wine with D. Welcome home. You didn't miss anything cept maybe this whole True Blood business, which I am still totally skeptical about. I'm ruined now that I just finished season five of The Wire. Is there anything, anything that compares?

  14. We are going on a short trip tomorrow and fresh, clean sheets on the bed are already on the to-do list for the morning :)

  15. welcome home sweet bee. and yes. it was good.

  16. welcome back! and, that's kinda creepy about your seatmate. glad he was just weird.

  17. Can *totally* relate to airport security paranoia. Constantly trying to rid myself of that useless fear since it doesn't actually - and won't ever - cause me to stop flying. But I love your contingency plan.

    Hope the trip was wonderful and relaxing!

  18. Love how you went from Ultimate Fighting Machine to comatose, because that's totally how I roll. Welcome back - I know how hard it is to get back into the swing of things, but I'm really happy you're here.

  19. I'm a new trueblood addict - I watched the S3 premiere Sunday, then finally got to watch all of season 2 in three days! I'm excited for this Sunday again :)

  20. Delurking to say that True Blood is awesome. I've read all of the books (def. recommend) and love how they have been interpreted for True Blood. #teameric all the way! Also- Pam is awesome :)

  21. Welcome back. At least you have all weekend to become human again, right?

  22. Can't wait to hear about the trip! Get some rest and your house/fridge in order first. We can wait:)

  23. i missed you, my dear. i love that you and D both ran through plane-saving scenarios; a couple that fights crime together can never be sundered.

  24. So glad you're back- I missed your posts, seriously!

  25. Glad you are home safely -- and as a flight attendant I am glad passengers are looking out for crazy people as well -- until they fall asleep! ahahahahahaha

  26. oh, i hear you on number 3 - i can never seem to get caught up on my blog reading!!

  27. welcome back - could read this over and over again:) happy weekend!

  28. It's the best kind of anal, clean sheets when one leaves. I've been known to come back and strip the bed at 2:00 a.m., otherwise, or just sleep on the floor (?!).

    Enjoy your clean sheets. Welcome home, home, home.

  29. I am happy you made it back safely. I am also a huge fan of True Blood, it is such a great show :) Coming back from a long trip is always a little crazy, so take your time and regroup, I look froward to pictures and hearing about your trip!

    xo Jen

  30. I love true blood too!


  31. True Blood is my favorite show of all time!! I have been watching since season one and the show keeps on getting better and better. Last night's episode was over the top! You MUST watch it tonight!

    You may be interested in entering a contest being held on Chictopia’s blog for a chance to win a $500 cash prize and become the Beso Fashion Correspondent for the month of August.

    Thank you for sharing, as always, I look forward to your daily posts.

  32. clean, crisp sheets upon your arrival after a long flight = brilliant. i'm always rushing out of the apartment in a frazzled state, often having to run back inside because my cell phone is still sitting on the window sill. i'll have to keep this in mind. :)

  33. Oh yes, those clean crisp sheets feel so good after a long trip. Hope you are catching up on sleep this very moment.

  34. This is a really funny post! I also second the clean sheets idea, every time I come home from a trip I am so glad to slide into a clean crisp bed. It's the best.

  35. love your blog! i have been following it for a while!

    im hosting a free giveaway of one of my fabric flower necklaces!! please check it out and enter to win!

  36. HA! That gave me a chuckle. I too get delirious on those long plane rides.


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