Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quiet, windblown

I feel quiet today. The Santa Ana winds have blown in and the city looks bare and scraped clean. It would be a perfect day to curl up and drink something warm and listen to the wind howl outside.


The Santa Anas are so beautiful in their own way. They carry electricity. My hair stands on end, trees tip over, they dry up everything they touch. And while none of those things sound very wonderful, they do bring a sort of excitement in with them.

I think they've sparked some ideas, because I have a million things rattling around in my head and absolutely no time to get them out. If there was any way I could swing it, I would spend the day in bed. Ideas need to percolate, I think. And there's no better place than a cozy bed.


  1. That's a nice way of looking at it.

  2. how i miss the santa anas! it always felt like they were hustling me down the field at soccer practice.

  3. Delightful description of the Santa Anna's! What a wonderful thought that winds spark ideas. Enjoy your cozy morning!

  4. my feelings exactly...and while i find the santa anas wildly electric (in a good way), Luna seems terribly upset by her fur that's standing straight up.

  5. Nature is amazing. And I'm sitting here on the East Coast wishing we had a bit of electricity in the air

  6. I agree! Being from Southern California growing up and again now, there's just something about the winds that makes me feel like fall has arrived.

    I'm a new reader, love your blog!

  7. Percolate. Excellent way to put it!

  8. That's definitely one thing I really miss about SoCal, the Santa Anas. I love getting caught up in a warm wind storm...It just speaks "fall."

    Now I'm all nostalgic!

  9. I so agree! hope you enjoy the time to percolate and imagine

  10. Ah, percolate what a lovely thing that would be!

    Love the French Press, I want one very much.

  11. Bed is good. Just noticed your rosebud hairpins are featured over on A Cup of Jo. Seriously, those things are so dang cute. I love them!

  12. This is such a beautiful reminder of my life in Los Angeles, thank you.

  13. Isn't that the way ideas are--they come when you least have time to tend to them. Keep them percolating until you do!

  14. I know what you mean, I've been kicking myself every morning this week because my commute takes me up the 57 to the 10 fwy and its been goooorgeous, and I never can seem to remember to grab my camera. I do wish we'd get some moisture back in the air though!

  15. I'm just starting to really understand how strong the santa ana winds really are.

  16. lovely post. i know what you mean about having so many things rattling but can't get 'em out!

  17. i love this post. hoping your weekend brings you a little time to percolate.

  18. Oh, I kind of love that brewing feeling. It often happens when I'm stuck at work. I have a million ideas and plans racing around my brain and I'm so excited to get some time to spend with them. Ostensibly doing nothing... but grand schemes on the make deep inside!

  19. mmmm delicious french press love <3


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