Monday, September 10, 2012

Year one

9-10-11 ceremony
{9-10-11 ceremony}

I'm still not used to saying "husband" but I can say that I love being married to this guy.

I meant to get my dress hemmed up so I could wear it on our anniversary. Totally did not happen. Next year?

I have a few wedding related bits floating around in my head, reflections on the process now that we're a year out. Don't worry - nothing too long, and it won't be a photo extravaganza or a mush fest. If I were more organized, I'd have gotten this whole week scheduled and set up. I didn't, so I'll see what happens. For those of you who are done with weddings, tomorrow will be weekend photos, featuring Circe.


Whenever I see a post where people are stressing about social media at their wedding, I think of this photo. I love it. 

You can always click on the "wedding" tag to see more posts about all things wedding related. And over on 100 Layer Cake you can see our wedding post, read more about our logistics, and see tutorials for the dip dyed napkins and streamer backdrops.


  1. happy anniversary, you two. xo

  2. Beautiful pictures. Happy anniversary to both of you.

  3. Happy anniversary to my favorite blogger!

    I will never understand why people are so focused on weddings, and especially why they are so stressed out. I am a married woman (almost 10 years), and I do not like weddings. In fact, my wedding was the simplest wedding ever. Also without any stress! :)


    1. Thank you, Sandra!

      I can't claim ours was stress free! I wish I cared less about weddings, but I love them and there was a fair amount of obsessing. I will say I enjoy weddings even more now because I am so grateful to be done with the planning!

  4. Your wedding looked gorgeous! I LOVE the idea of getting your dress hemmed and wearing it again on your anniversary. So sweet!

    The Glossy Life

  5. I have been reading your blog for a long time but rarely comment. I wanted to say that I was looking forward to your wedding pictures so much last year and loved the post on 100 layer cake, everything looked so beautiful. Happy Anniversary to you two! :)

  6. Happy Anniversary. I just found out about your blog accidentally like yesterday and I am very happy I did. It makes me feel a lit less alone about the whole wedding planning DIY thing.

    Thank you :)

    1. You aren't alone! Just breathe deep and pick your battles.

  7. Great photos! I can't believe it's been a year since you posted all the wedding stuff. Time flies :)

  8. Happy Anniversary! It blows my mind that we are coming up to our wedding anniversary too. In 2 months we will be married for 1 year and we will have our little girl. So much has happened in a year. It's crazy!!!

    1. That's a huge year for you guys! Congratulations!

  9. ah, dropping the H bomb. it never does feel normal, does it? having one, now - that feels more than normal. it's discovering a superpower that, now that you think about it, you probably always had.

    1. I still default to "partner" most of the time, which feels more familiar.

  10. Happy Anniversary!!

  11. Wow, I can't believe it's been a year. Saying that time flies seems like an understatement sometimes. Congratulations on a happy first year of marriage. I couldn't be happier for you.

    Ps. You've been missed around these parts this summer :)


  12. your photographer is seriously the bomb. such crisp, beautiful shots. cannot believe it's been a whole year since your wedding! big congratulations, guys! does this mean you're going to have to start making decisions now? ;)

    1. Ha! We have until January 1st, I believe. We're milking it.

  13. Congrats! My parents 28th wedding anniversary was on the 10th too! Someday you guys will be at 28.

  14. 1 year already?? Happy anniversary!

  15. I also planned to hem my dress to knee length. Still haven't done it nearly 3 years later. (Oops.)

    Happy 1 year!

  16. Happy anniversary! That went by SO fast! I totally understand the 'husband' thing I have to keep saying it in hopes that it will become second nature, hah!

  17. I can't remember anymore exactly why I was so glued to your blog years ago, but I remember reading it fondly. I know it had something to do with wedding-related things, because I was also preparing to get married. But I bumped into your blog a few moments ago and the greatest smile crept on my face. It was like finding an old friend, and while I've never actually exchanged words with you, I'm glad you're very much still around. Happy few anniversaries I've missed and have a most excellent week.


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