Friday, January 6, 2012

Facing 2012

We spent New Year's Eve just the two of us, which is actually how I prefer it most years. No driving worries, no over hyped parties. We made it up till midnight, somewhat miraculously if you consider our previous night.

the beach, new year's hike
{the beach, new year's hike}

the city, new year's hike
{the city, new year's hike}

smoke city
{smoke city}

We took a hike on the Monday holiday. Such a good way to start the year. And then we drove straight from the hike to eat some barbecue, which is also a pretty good way to kick things off. 

I'm an entire week late on this, I realize, but I do have some New Year's-y things kicking around in my brain  (a look back over the last year, new strategies for this year). I was feeling super unmotivated about all this last week which was somewhat disheartening because I usually get pretty pumped for naval gazing and life tweaks. I guess I was just running a bit behind - will probably get some posts up next week, when all of you are already feeling over your resolutions. Sorry.


  1. maybe that's a good thing... you won't get caught up in the collective sweep (& subsequent drop?) of motivation!

  2. Hi Rachel. Could you please tell me where you went for the hike? I'm from LA, live in Atlanta, hope to move back to LA this year...but my husband would love if I took him on this hike next time we are there. The views are breathtaking

  3. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's a week late with the whole New Year's reflections and resolutions. Sometimes, you just need to take advantage of vacation time and be lazy. No apology necessary! :)

  4. Happy 2012! New year, new ideas, new challenges! Wishing you and your husband all the best.


  5. No apologies. We've all gone through it. My goodness you just got done getting through your wedding and the holidays. It's time for a little break =)


  6. you don't have to apologize! we all get burnt out from time to time. xoxo

  7. Sounds like you started the new year in a perfect fashion. I was thinking about going on a hike on that Monday myself, but I didn't know where to go. This looks like the perfect place. Where is it?

    Happy New Year!

    xx Jen

  8. @ all hikers - Sorry! Should have included that information. It's a really popular hike (which is a little weird if you aren't used to seeing so many people around, but they do thin out as you get higher) in Temescal Canyon. We actually did the Temescal Ridge Trail to the Temescal Canyon trail with a little extra spur thrown in, so I think it was about 4 miles, maybe? You can also do it the other way around, and there are shorter hikes there as well, I think. It was gorgeous and I'd like to do it more often. It's super easy to access, which I guess is why it's so crowded!

  9. I feel this holiday has been more tiring than most, and that it is certainly harder to motivate myself to a new year and new's a common feeling so do it all in your own time!

  10. I'm with you, I'll just start to implement my resolutions next week :p

  11. hike & bbq = sounds like a fab start to 2012!! xoxo

  12. those pictures from the hike are stunning. and it's always good to follow up a hike with some bbq!

  13. looks like a great weekend! Is the hike picture from Will Rogers?

  14. LA looks so refreshing, warm and sunny when one is braving a grey, cold European winter : )

  15. happy 2012 :)

  16. what a lovely way to start off the year! as for resolutions, each person has to get to them in their own time--otherwise, they'll be less likely to stick with them. late resolutions are actually the focus of my next dating advice article, so I say stick to your guns & best of luck!

    ~Amanda (

  17. I wish I lived in a city where I could go on hikes with such beautiful views.

  18. That food looks so delicious!

  19. you make me so grateful to live in LA. The hikes and food...And 70+ degrees in January?! no contest.


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