Friday, August 17, 2012

For your Friday ...

To everyone who has ever cried in frustration over a cake recipe and wondered why it only happens to you ...

cake disaster
{cake disaster}

It just happens. Oh, maybe the other side is better, say you?

cake disaster
{cake disaster}

Nope. That was the side that avalanched right off in the fridge and I just ended up packing it back into place.  Tears were shed.

I've been making this cake annually for over a decade. I have no idea what I did wrong this time. Luckily it was still delicious, if extremely humbling to my baking ego. On a brighter note, the frosting, which is usually the issue, cooperated beautifully even though I made a triple batch in one go.

I'm just going to pretend it looked like the 2009 version instead. That was a good year.

the cake
{the cake}

This time last year we were deep in wedding preparations and I had to get a storebought cake and almost dropped it. I think my mom's birthday might be cake-cursed.


  1. When I screw up a cake, I just turn it into a trifle- excellent way to enjoy it without worrying much about appearances.

    Your cake still looks wonderfully chocolatey and moist though

    Mal @ The Chic Geek

  2. I honestly love that you show how sometimes things just don't turn out right - the almost dropped cake of last year is what made me start to read your blog on a daily basis. I'm far too hard on myself sometimes because everything always looks perfect on other blogs and magazines, thanks for keeping it real! :)

  3. Ahhh hahahaha THANK YOU for sharing this! I love that you posted your failed cake...because really, it happens to all of us ;)

    xx -b.

  4. Hahaha thank you for being so honest! I swear, when I botch recipes I seriously going into a tailspin wondering what I did wrong and how come everyone else can get it right. Good to know others fail too!

    Have a great weekend! xo

    The Glossy Life

  5. That's an impressive recipe, so I can see how it may be a bit tricky even after many go-arounds. I've had many a cake fail - but hopefully it's still tastes okay! I'd eat it :)

  6. I too appreciate you telling the truth about your baking adventure. It happens to all of us, nice to see people being honest about it. Plus you said it was tasty-priority number one.

  7. Ha! My husband gets made when something I baked looks awful even if it tastes good and I throw it out :) He doesn't understand the frustration! Thanks for sharing your honest experience, it's always reassuring to know a fantastic blogger I read has their own share of struggles.

  8. Oh no! I hate when that happens, especially with what *should* be a tried & true recipe. At least it was still tasty!

  9. Awwww! This has happened to me before. I was trying to impress my husband (then-boyfriend) and decided to make brownies from scratch. But I cut them before they had cooled enough, so I ended up with piles of chocolate mush. Woops. ;-)

  10. Thanks for showing the imperfect moments as well! Sometimes, they are the best moments. Glad to hear it was delicious!

  11. Oh this has happened to me too! Same flavor/frosting and everything! It was for my sister-in-law's 16th bday which was even worst. I didn't have time to make another so we all just ate the pile of cake & frosting with all her friends. Pretty embarrassing, hahaha.

    Glad it was still delicious and you ate it! ;)

  12. I have a love/hate relationship with this cake for precisely this reason. When it's good - it's good. When it's not, it's the saddest and most frustrating thing in the world. But it still tastes good ;)

  13. This is real life, isn't it? Thank you for sharing and making those of us familiar with kitchen disasters feel a kinship!

  14. Ahh that is the worst! I had the same thing happen when I made a cake for my dad's birthday...after some research, I found out it may have been because I didn't wait for the layers to cool compltely before trying to frost and assemble them. Not going to lie, I've been hesitant to bake a cake since then!

    Luckily, your cake still looked delicious and I definitely would have still eaten it :)

  15. Oh, golly. What is it about cake mishaps that bring out the tears? Reminds me of cake-related tears my mom shed when I was young--we were cabin'ing in montana, she painstakingly baked a pretty cake at altitude, got it about 10 feet from our neighbor's house, then SPLAT, upside down in the dirt--she cried. I didn't understand at the time, but oh I certainly do now :)

  16. Best post ever!So real, it's just a reminder that things don't always work out for us....but nonetheless, are so special..and not to mention, delicious!

  17. I'm sure this experience was frustrating, but this might be one of the most adorable posts ever. :)

  18. It still looks better than anything I've ever made :)

  19. This post made me smile. Can't wait to check back for more-- I adore your blog!


    Ali Berger

  20. Wowzers. That still looks delicious!!! The one from 2009 is a beauty!!! :)


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