Friday, January 16, 2015

The plants are multiplying

plants, multiplying

I think D has been sneaking plants into our apartment when I'm not looking. And I don't mind. I guess houseplants are finally growing on me. (You see what I did there?)


  1. I'm still in love with your ombre hanging planter. So pretty! :)

  2. I like 'em. I always think it's weird when I go to someone's house and they don't have anything living (well, except the humans) inside...

  3. I definitely need more plants! I wish I was brave enough for a Fiddle Tree (is that what they're called?) Can I ask about your blanket? Did you find it online? I love it.

  4. I need more...multiplying is good.

  5. You can have ours. I still hate them.

  6. I love them but kill them (not on purpose).

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