You guys, six months is so much fun. I thought that all the newborn snuggles were amazing, but watching her rapidly gain all these new skills (and sometimes getting to sleep through the night) is the best.
Our lives at six months are crazy and it feels like we're in the weeds most weeks, but (most days) I actually love it and feel really full and content. I mean, don't talk to me after a night of teething related sleeplessness, when I hate the entire world with a fiery passion. I will admit to crying while driving to work just because I'm so exhausted and there's nothing to do about it. But there are other nights where she sleeps for 11 hours and then wakes up babbling and I feel amazing, like we're conquering the world. It's a lot of highs and lows but the highs seem to wipe out the memory of the lows pretty quickly.
I worked full time from home all summer while taking care of her, which was maybe the craziest decision I've ever made. I was so tired and done at the end of those three months. I felt like I was on call 24/7 and I was never sleeping and I felt guilty a lot of the time. Around 5 months she started to outgrow her willingness to take loooong naps in the wrap (the only thing that made this crazy scheme possible), which put my workday into a tailspin. She started daycare at just the right time (5 months + 1 week) and it was the best thing for both of us. I feel so much better being able to focus exclusively on work during the day and then shift to her at home, and she loves being surrounded by other kids and gets the biggest grin on her face when we hand her over to her caretakers each morning.
We're still figuring out how to juggle our lives as two working parents, but we're settling into a routine.
I wake up just before 6 am, pump while getting ready (I have the Spectra S1 which holds a charge, so I can walk around the house while pumping and I don't know how I'd survive without it), leave a bottle of milk on the counter and then get out the door by 6:30. Adrian wakes up between 6 and 6:30 so some mornings I'm lucky and get to see her and others I don't (but then that means she's sleeping in, so lucky in a different way). D takes point in the morning Monday through Thursday (we switch on Friday due to my meeting schedule) so he gets her up, feeds her the bottle, gets her dressed and drops her at daycare by 8:30.
I'm at work by 7 am and I just plow through as much as I can. I rarely take a lunch break. I pump three times at work (9:30, 12:30, 2:30) for about 15 minutes each time. I'm incredibly lucky and have an office so I can just shut my door and keep working while I pump. In theory, I try to leave the office by 3 so that I have a little bit of time to go to the gym or run errands, but I think that's happened once so far. This is a really busy time of year for me, but things will settle down at some point and I'm hoping to reclaim that hour. The absolute latest I can leave is 4:30, otherwise I'm risking being late to daycare pick up because traffic is a total crap shoot. It can take me 30 minutes or an hour, who knows?
I pick up Adrian by 5:30 at the latest, but usually closer to 5. We head home and she plays on the kitchen floor while I get her dinner ready, pack her lunch for the next day, and set up the bathtub and nursery for bedtime routine. Since I'm solo in the evenings I like to have everything staged before we start dinner. I set up the bathroom and put her towel on a baby bouncer so I have somewhere to put her when she's done with her bath. The first time I did bathtime alone I didn't do this and then I had a squirming wet baby and nowhere to set her down. I also start the kettle so I can quickly get a bottle ready in case she wants one before bed.
Depending on when she woke up from her last nap I'm aiming to put her in bed between 6:30 - 7:00, so I'll usually give her dinner around 5:45 pm, let her play with her food for 15 - 30 minutes (she usually has a bottle around 4:30 pm, but if she didn't then I'll breastfeed her as soon as we get home so she isn't too hungry at dinner). During dinner I don't multitask at all, I sit with her and talk to her and have a snack while she eats. We're doing baby led weaning, so she eats real food and I basically watch her like a hawk for any signs of choking (so far just plenty of gagging, which is healthy and normal). It's a really sweet time of day, because she's so excited about her food and also seems to think it's fun to watch me eat.
After dinner I carry her straight to the bathroom and she takes a quick bath, then I put her in pajamas and nurse her. If she's especially hungry I'll give her a bottle of pumped milk afterwards. She sometimes likes to tank up right before bed if she was having too much fun to eat much at daycare. We dim the lights, read a story, turn on the white noise and then I sing her bedtime song and lie her down. Most days she squawks to herself for 10 minutes then cries for 5 minutes, then I go in and soothe her a little and she falls asleep shortly after. Other days I have to go in multiple times. Once in a while we hit the timing just right and she falls asleep right away and I don't go in at all. We're supposed to put her down awake but if I've gone in multiple times I'll usually cheat and just nurse her to sleep because by that point in the day I'm really tired. I clean up from dinner (Circe helps with the floor) and wash all the bottles and pump parts and then pick up the house while I'm listening for her cries. She's usually asleep between 6:30 - 7:00 and I check my work email and handle anything that came in after I left.
If D makes it home by 7:30 then we'll catch up and eat something quick together (we're doing a lot of eggs these days because we just have zero energy for cooking), maaaaybe watch 30 minutes of TV and then I start getting ready for bed, take a quick shower (I'm so bitter on nights I have to wash my hair because it eats up extra time) and make sure I'm all packed up for the morning. I pump one last time around 9 pm, put my pump parts in the fridge for the next morning, and try to be in bed by 9:30 pm. I used to make sure I pumped or fed her every four hours at night, but that wasn't sustainable for me so around 5.5 months I started stretching it out and now I can go from 9 pm - 6 am (there are a lot of nights where she wakes up to eat once during that stretch, but if she sleeps through I'm fine too). It was uncomfortable for a couple days but my body adjusted pretty quickly.
Adrian is still inconsistent at night, so sometimes she'll sleep straight through, which is heavenly, but fairly often she'll wake up once in the middle of the night because she's hungry, I'll feed her and then put her back in her crib and she falls asleep right away. If she's teething or sick she'll sometimes have so much trouble sleeping that one of us will just go in there and hold her all night. It is not awesome but if it happens we alternate nights so that we at least take turns being zombies. This week she's cutting her top two teeth, so I had a really rough night with her on Monday, and D took over for Tuesday. If the pattern is the same as her first two teeth she'll only have a couple hard nights and then it will get better. We've tried Tylenol but it doesn't seem to make a difference, she just wants to be snuggled.
On good days this level of busy-ness feels pretty fulfilling and on tough days it feels like a grind and every once in a while it feels like I'm actually drowning, but I'm so aware of how short this stage is. Everything changes every few months, so nothing lasts for very long, good or bad. There's also a chance that she'll be our only kid, which makes everything seem very bittersweet because I know this might be the only time we get to do this and be in this moment, so I try to just sink into it and pay attention to the good parts and move past the hard parts as best I can. Easier said than done, but I feel so lucky to be here right now (can you tell I'm writing this post after getting a full night of sleep?). There are multiple times a week where I'm watching her and I'm just in awe that we get to do this. Even putting all the crazy mushy emotions aside, it is a huge privilege to get a front row seat and watch a human being develop. Does that make sense? Seeing her learn everything from scratch is just amazing.
I work from home and juggled work/baby for awhile...daycare is such a lifesaver.
ReplyDeleteAll of this - thank you! So honest and accurate and appreciated. I have a 1 year old and completely agree with the entire mix of emotions - the ups and downs. The crying due to lack of sleep (I was telling everyone that they should start saving now so they could hire a night nurse like royalty - I was delusional, well mostly just exhausted). But it really is all a dream and over so quickly that it doesnt seem fair. Keep up the great work!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, unsolicited advice I know, I know - but after 6 months babies can have Motrin and it was a GAME CHANGER for us with teething.
Thank you! This reminds me that I need to email our ped to ask about the Motrin dosing. I meant to ask at our 6 month check up but totally forgot. I'm hoping it's better than Tylenol, which we've given up on since it does nothing for teething and she hates the taste.
Deleteyour day sounds pretty much exactly like my day. i feel you on the "grind" factor. Ethan is going to be 10 months this week, and sometimes the grind just gets to me. Thanks for always being real!
ReplyDeleteThank you for such an honest and detailed post! The ups and downs are no joke. Sometimes it feels like my emotions are on a rollercoaster. Utter bliss one second and "how am I going to keep at this for what feels like forever" the next! My daughter is 7 months and I agree - it is such a fun stage and awe-inspiring to see her learn so many new skills on a daily basis. What works best for me is when I TRY to stay present and not think about how many bottles I have to wash or that I haven't swept in forever or all of the other tasks on the endless to-do list. Like you, I'm not sure if we will have more than one child, so that is a nice reminder to try and savor all the moments - even the ones that are hard. Keep up the great work, mama - you are doing an awesome job!
ReplyDeleteI love your posts! I'm six months ahead of you so it's so much fun to think back!! I say it all the time, that it's such a privilege to get to be in charge of a baby and to get to see all of this day in and day out. It's incredible. And tiring. So tiring.
ReplyDeleteRachel, thank you for your posts. As one expecting her first baby in April, and one who feels absolutely clueless about how to care for a baby, your honest and detailed posts have been a gem. One question: do you freeze your milk? I see that you pump multiple times a day; do you not need to use frozen milk? I'm confused when people use frozen breastmilk. I love following your and your cute family's beautiful journey; wishing you all the best!
ReplyDeleteYes, I freeze as much as I can! I highly recommend getting some good storage bags (I like the Medela ones best). I use fresh pumped milk whenever possible, but try to freeze a bit most days as well. The reason is that my supply and her demand aren't perfectly synced, so there are days where she eats a bit more than I pumped, and then we rely on the frozen milk. We also sometimes have to throw out half drunk bottles, because you can only reheat them twice (I think - that's the rule we've been following). It isn't a perfect system, so some milk gets wasted and having extra is good.
DeleteThe way I do it is I try to pump enough to fill four bottles per day (one for morning at home, three for daycare) and those don't get frozen, she just drinks them the following day. Anything over that (I usually pump an additional 4 - 5 oz before bedtime, and sometimes have an excess in the morning too) I'll put in freezer bags and freeze. Our daycare keeps back up in the freezer for particularly hungry days, and it's also good to have in case my supply starts dropping, which can happen between 6 - 9 months when you're pumping a lot. So the frozen milk is peace of mind that I can still give her at least some breastmilk each day even if that happens. (I am 100% not opposed to supplementing with formula, but feel really grateful that we haven't had to do it yet)
Bear in mind that most people will recommend NOT pumping for the first 4 - 6 weeks, as your milk supply is trying to stabilize and sync up with your baby's needs. I waited until 5 weeks, I think? And my pumping was pretty minimal while I was home with her. I usually just used my Hakkaa hand pump to collect milk from one side during her early morning feed, when she wasn't super hungry but my supply was high. So I was freezing approximately 4 - 5 oz per day for months 1.5 - 5, which did add up since we rarely needed to dip into it at that point.
Congratulations and good luck! It feels overwhelming at first but it will all fall into place.
Thank you so much, Rachel. I seriously learn so much from you, as well as gain encouragement and inspiration. Please know that your words, humor, and honesty are truly appreciated.
DeleteI'm glad things are going well despite the overwhelm - thanks for sharing your journey!
ReplyDeleteI don’t have kids but I hope to someday, and I enjoyed reading this for it’s honesty. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI don’t have kids but I hope to someday, and I enjoyed reading this for it’s honesty. Thank you!