Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The weekend, briefly

It's been a while since I did one of these posts!


sunday cooking




We're still getting settled into the new place, and I'm deep in nesting mode, but we're really loving it. We haven't had much time to explore the neighborhood yet, but we took a walk on Saturday and then I went for a run with a friend on Sunday. My favorite way to check out any new place is on foot, of course. I also got a lot of kitchen time in, which was lovely (feels nice to get back to a full size oven). I treated myself to flowers and then got a ton of meal prep done for the week. Which I ended up being very grateful for when the week got off to a crazy start and left me feeling frazzled. Life, right?


  1. I'm looking forward to a proper new home tour! And info on the new place, how hard was it to find it, the location, well, approximately and so forth.


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