Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A minor detour

There weren't any homemade popsicles this weekend because we ended up driving up to Northern California to help my sister and her husband get settled in their new place. It was a super last minute decision and it made the weekend a crazy whirlwind, but I'm glad we were able to do it.

into the fog
{into the fog}


Drake's taps
{Drake's taps}

Drake's flight
{Drake's flight}

princess platform
{princess platform - aka the sadness of being too short to see out the car window and the kindness of an owner who will build you a viewing platform out of thermarests}

We normally zoom up the 5 but this time we were following the VW, so we took the coastal route and cruised at 50 miles an hour. It was actually a nice way to see the state for most of the drive. We left LA at 4:30 am and Circe, who is not normally a morning person, was beyond thrilled to have everyone up in the middle of the night and she loved the whole drive. I guess we need to take her on more road trips.

We went to Drake's almost immediately upon arrival. It's a great little brewery and I've been a big fan of their Aroma Coma since I first had it at the brew crawl a couple years ago.

We had to leave at 5 am on Sunday, but I'm hoping we'll be able to get back for a less crazy visit very soon.

P.S. - Why do our loved ones have to keep migrating north?!


  1. I'm pretty sure that first photo was taken on the 101N, just past Ventura. No, not stalking. That's my home territory! Btw, if you're up this way again, jump off on the "State Beach" exit (the first one past Ventura town exits), and continue to the parking area just before the first set of houses. It's not a dog beach per say, but we take our pups there off leash all the time and have never had a problem (esp if you stay in front of the houses).

    1. I think you're right! I have to admit that I took about a million pictures of the van on the way up because the route was so pretty. I wish we'd had more time to stop! We did hop off in SLO for some pretty amazing bagels but other than that we just chugged along.

  2. I love these photos! Your dog is so cute. Sounds like a fun road trip, but it's tough when loved ones move farther away.

  3. Because life is good up here:).

  4. Great post! I love how your dog can't see out the window! Too cute! I have a cat who loves looking out the window when she's in the car so I have to set stuff up for her as well! Got to love being a pet parent! :)


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