Tuesday, May 14, 2013


lights, potted plants
{lights, potted plants}

gorgeous salads
{gorgeous salads}

the cutest packages
{the cutest packages}

circe nesting
{circe nesting}

simplest dessert
{simplest dessert}

road to the getty
{road to the getty}

saturday breakfast with beauty's
{saturday breakfast with beauty's}


kale salad, hands
{kale salad, hands}


I have been working, a lot. This isn't a plea for sympathy. I like working. It just takes up most of my time and energy, so there's not a lot of motivation left to hop on the computer at night and edit photos.

We've been barbecuing, a lot. With friends, with family, at home. The weather demands it.

I have made Kate's cookies three times in the last three weeks.

I spent a weekend in Oakland and Marin with some lovely ladies and came back feeling refreshed in that way you only do after a two day grown up slumber party. I've resolved to figure out a way to make this happen more often.

May is always crazy but in a good way. Birthdays, bridal showers, weddings. My goal is just to enjoy and make it through. I'll sleep in June! That's my motto this month.


  1. I've been on a cookie baking kick too. Love the idea of making little cookie sandwiches which is what I hope you did with that ice cream!

    may I ask where you found your white planters in the first picture? I've been looking for a large, simple white planter for what feels like ages with no luck.

    1. Those are actually at a friend's house, so I'm not sure, but I can ask next time I see him! They are great planters.

    2. Edit - talked to my friend and he picked them up from a local garden supply place here in LA a while ago but doesn't recommend them. Apparently they look great but don't work so well!

  2. I feel you on sleeping later, but I think it'll be August by then. :) Those salads look delish! Glad you got some girly time out of town, that always helps me feel refreshed too.

  3. Will you do a post on all these salads? They all look so good!

    1. Sadly, I can't take credit for any of those salads, so I have no idea what the recipes were! It was a potluck at a friend's house. They were very good, though. : )

  4. I've been a bit like you these days Rachel and think I'll sleep in June too! Currently finishing my final assessment ever for my degree and can't wait to go back to my old life before I started studying four and a half years ago. As always, loving your photos of your envious weekends and can't wait for my weekends to begin again! x

  5. Any word yet on those planters?!

    1. Yes! My friend picked them up from a local garden supply place here in LA a while ago but sadly he says he can't recommend them. Apparently they look great but don't work so well!


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