Thursday, February 28, 2013

Greek sandals

The sandals I'd been wearing for over two years finally broke and I had a sandal emergency. Shut up. I live in Southern California and sandal emergencies are REAL.

I really wanted a pair of the Ancient Greek Sandals that I've been seeing all over the internet and Jamie loves her pair and I trust her. 

But, I couldn't quite do it. They are pricey, guys, and I prefer to spend all my disposable income on silk shirts and eating out too much. Priorities. 

When I was in Greece, everyone would just go down to Plaka and get sandals that I remember looking really similar to these ones. A bit of internet sleuthing and I was happy to discover that some of those shops will ship internationally. For $45 after shipping, I figured it was worth a shot. 

greek sandals
{greek sandals}

They took a few weeks to arrive, which I expected. I read some reviews which recommended half sizes should size up, so I did and they fit perfectly. They're definitely more rustic than the Ancient Greek Sandals. The ankle strap on the left sandal was slightly longer than the right, and I had to punch an extra hole in it. But I lived in them for a good chunk of October and November and they're incredibly comfortable and it seems like they'll hold up well.

I got this pair, from this shop. Please ignore the weird platform flip flops they're desperately trying to get rid of right now. UPDATE - they also have an Etsy shop and they sell the same pair I have.

As promised, they do darken. I only have a phone picture of them in their current state, but they're getting better and better.

sandals, 5 mo later
{sandals, 5 mo later}

I wrote this post shortly after I bought them but I didn't want to publish it right away in case they broke after two weeks. Now it's been a few more months and I'm still in love. I'm wearing them again today because we're having a few days of 80 degree weather, so it seemed appropriate to update it and put it up for those of you who are getting ready for spring. 


  1. would it be bad if i bought that EXACT pair? i could, say, promise not to instagram them....

  2. These are absolutely beautiful and I love how the leather ages! They honestly look like the most perfect sandal, thank you so much for bringing them to my attention. The only trouble is I'm in the UK and not exactly sure how well shoe sizes translate. I think I end up being a US 8.5, so maybe I will have to size up to a 9 like you suggest.

    1. Oh, wish I could help! I know nothing about UK shoe sizes though.

  3. I love those sandals! They're so elegant and so simple. You found a pair of winners for sure.

  4. I guess I need a pair too....

    Also I miss California.

  5. So lovely! Thanks for telling about the quality!

    Juliette Laura

  6. oh, my goodness. i may have already had three glasses of wine but that shop is AMAZING and i am purchasing immediately! the midwest winter has to end eventually, right?
    ps - i grew up in socal and hearing you talk about wearing sandals in nov is making me a little nostalgic, not going to lie

  7. You know, I actually prefer your sandals to the Greek Sandals.

  8. These are so adorable! I love the color they've become! Aged beautifully I'd say!

  9. You know when I saw the prices of the ancient greek sandals, I thought it's best if you visited Greece and bought them from the source instead (it would be much cheaper! ;) ). You did a smart choice with that style and because I happen to have the original greek ones (from Melissinos, if you know) for several years now, (wearing them constantly during summer), the more they are exposed to the sun, the darker they will become. You'll have that perfect color, you'll see! They are the perfect sandals, no doubt.

    1. Yes, so sad I didn't buy a couple pairs from him when I was there! I just couldn't make up my mind.

    2. Haha that's true! I went with the aeolian 2 (

  10. oh dang! I love these. I think I'm gonna bite the bullet. On the East Coast I won't wear these until June, but gotta have something to look forward to, right?

  11. Adorable! How comfy are these. Doing disney in May... Yay nay? Thanks so much!

    1. They are really comfortable. The leather is a little stiffer when you first buy them, so I wouldn't plan on doing a 12 hour day for the first day. But after I wore them a couple of times they had already gotten softer and they're so great to wear now.

  12. I stil have my sandals that I got at e flea market by Monistiraki when I lived there (gulp) 15 years ago. They are amazing but I could use some new ones. Those are freaking cute!

    1. I'm so sad I didn't buy a pair when I was there! I kept dithering about what style I wanted and it wasn't warm enough to wear them. Sigh.

    2. I understand those moments, especially when far from home. But you still got some! Go interweb!

  13. Well then. Now I have something to save my money for! My sandals have been breaking down on me...and I live in Puerto Rico, which is sandal weather, 24/7. I need replacements!

    Thank you for sharing this! :D

  14. I'm going to Crete and Athens on my honeymoon in 3 shopping list for what to buy out there just increased. Love those sandles! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Fun! And if you are going to buy sandals there, this guy in Athens is the one everyone swears by and you'll want to hit up Monastiraki anyways. Have the best time! I'm jealous.

  15. lovely! and absolutely, sandal emergencies ARE real here in So Cal! : )

  16. Wow those are pretty! Thanks for sharing - love hearing reviews a few months later, when there's been time for real trials. :) Sandal emergencies are definitely real around here, couldn't believe how hot it was already when I left at 7 this morning!

  17. Love these! Great find.

  18. pretty!

  19. Are these walk-around-for-twelve-hours-and-ten-miles shoes? I'm looking for cute sandals to wear whilst I wander around Paris in August, and I am just sort of...lost. All I know is that I am not wearing white sneakers! And I think my feet would get too hot in Toms, and flip flops just don't have enough support. Do you think these would work?

    1. I haven't yet worn them for *quite* that much walking, but I walk a lot in general and they are awesome. If you are going to wear them for a trip, make sure you wear them in well first. The leather is stiff when you first get the shoes. It softens up quickly and then they feel wonderful but you don't want to be breaking them in on vacation!

  20. these are adorable! Im going to have to check out this site and get shopping for spring! Here in NYC I need something that will last awhile, and be comfortable in for walking long distances.

    Thanks for the post! look forward for your next one!


  21. Thanks for sharing! I've been looking for something similar.

  22. They look super!
    And yes, Plaka is full of them.
    I've just picked up a pair of Mint ones for the summer.

    xxx from Greece

  23. Beautiful! I love that they're getting darker, too!

  24. My husband and I went to the shop in Plaka! Down in the marketplace - and bought sandals from the woman who made them who was taught to make them by her father. I have the same as you. :)

  25. They look comfortable and beautiful and it's a tragedy that in Canada we are not currently in sandal weather. Except that would probably mean serious global warming.

  26. When I was in Athens last summer visiting my boyfriend's family I kept seeing these beautiful sandals, but never pulled the trigger. When we go back in June I'm definitely getting some seeing how well they hold up (and look better with age)! (Definitely some perks dating a Greek guy...!)

  27. Love that you did this post! I've been looking for some for a while and have not had much luck. Broken sandals, stretching, etc. I been through it all! I am buying a pair today! Also, love your blog.


  28. I forgot to ask how they run-size wise? I am between a 9.5 and 10, would you order up or down? thanks!

    1. Sorry - just saw this! Half sizes should order up.

  29. wow the sandal is very beautiful.

    Siesna Flip Flop Club is the place for you to choose your flip flop and delivery only at $15. It’s a great opportunity for the US people. I am welcoming you to the club.

  30. buying them right now :)) they are exactly what i am looking for. so good seeing you and D yesterday. see you soon, love!

  31. Thank you so much! I was looking for sandals and you popped up on google when I was searching for a review of ancient greek sandals.
    Then I changed my mind and now ordered from the shop you indicated :)
    Would never have found these without you, so thanks for the shoutout!


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