Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Shopping hiatus, week two

No major temptations this last week. I did see this book and I really wanted to buy it. I'm going to see if the library has it instead. It sounds like a nice mix of research and memoir.

As silly as it sounds, I do sometimes have to remind myself to slow down and make time for fun. It's easy for me to get stressed out and create huge, never ending lists of obligations and projects. One of my goals over the last few years has been to snap out of that mindset, at least occasionally.

Has anyone read The Happiness Project? Is it worth buying?


  1. I haven't read the book, but the corresponding website has a lot of interesting interviews and thoughts on happiness - http://www.happiness-project.com/

  2. I haven't read the book yet, but I do love the website!

  3. I just started reading the book and am a few chapters in. Its pretty good. Like you said its a good mix of research and memoir. She touches on a lot of things that are common among most people in their everyday lives.
    She also provides easy goals to improve your happiness, and talks about how little changes in your attitude can go a long way.

  4. I have the book and I just love it. I'm actually planning on re-reading it very soon, as I start my own happiness project. I love all the personal stuff the author tells about herself. It's just so quirky and yet insightful. See if the library has it!

  5. I am reading it right now. It is taking me awhile, but it is good...great points and ideas. Def worth trying :)

  6. I haven't read that book, but now I'm very interested and may have to check it out at my own library.

  7. I'm on the waiting list for the book at my library, but love Gretchen's blog by the same name. She's always got great tips and stories that help me keep life in perspective.

  8. such great tips here from your readers. i'm definitely checking out the website.

  9. I haven't read it yet either, but I've been following her blog forever!

  10. I have the book and I love it. I'd definitely recommend buying it.

  11. Might I suggest the website paperbackswap.com. Its a wonderful resource you can get "new" books without buying anything and recycle some that you might have tired of. I have not purchased a book in over a year because I have received everything I wanted in both paperback and hardback through the website! Hope others take a look it really is a wonderful resource!

  12. Have never read it, but it sounds great! I completely understand the need to occasionally slow down (and make yourself do it!).

    Don't know if you've read "Eat, Pray, Love," but I put off reading it for a long time (was committed to not buying the hype, darnit!) and L-O-V-E-D it . . . Another book about the stuff money really can't buy.


  13. That book sounds REALLY interesting. I'm definitely going to check out her blog that Ruth suggested...

  14. I haven't read it, but I know that it was Real Simple's book club book for February, so you can probably get some idea through the comments over on their site...hope that helps!

  15. I've been following her blog for a while, and this book is definitely on my want-to-read-next list. Perhaps for a birthday gift? Or our swaptree list?

  16. The book is great! I pre-ordered it last fall and have loved reading the book. I'm reading it slowly to go along her process as she writes it; however, I have loved it so far! I definitely recommend it!

  17. Haven't read the book, but I just read this interview in the NYT yesterday: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/28/fashion/28rubin.html?scp=1&sq=happiness%20project&st=cse

    Maybe I'm cynical, but I'm not sure if I need to be taught about happiness by a super wealthy lady whose happiness is aided by a house cleaner and a nanny.

  18. I heard the book was great from a lot of other bloggers. It's on my list to read soon. Also here's article on Huffington by the author: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/gretchen-rubin/balanced-life----finish-t_b_477566.html

  19. you're good girlie...i didn't have such a good week (more on that tomorrow ;-)

    i read a couple of the chapters of this book online. i was sucked it...definitely planning to read the entire thing!

  20. I agree with Julie, and Jezebel has an interesting article on Rubin's perspective:

  21. My best friend is reading it & I recognized the name; I've hopped on the website before but it didn't keep my attention for long. Not sure why ... if I would've seen the book 1st though, i would have snapped it up. I always judge a book by its cover. :) Don't analyze me! I am intrigued though...and will be reading some of the above articles.

  22. Looks interesting. I know how you feel about having to remind yourself to have fun. Sometimes I spend so much time planning and trying to be creative that the things that are supposed to be fun end up being a burden. And then when I do relax I feel guilty! What a cycle!

  23. you just reminded me of my favorite quote from the happiness project website...

    "If I’ve learned one thing from my happiness project, it’s that if I want my life to be a certain way, I must be that way myself. If I want my marriage to be tender and romantic, I must be tender and romantic."

    let us know if you like the book! i would love to check it out!

  24. I got that book a while ago. Some is really helpful in a very direct way and some less applicable, but still informative. I put it down a few weeks ago and should probably go back to it!

  25. oh, i need to check that out

  26. I added it to my library check-out list! Thanks!

  27. I haven't purchased the book yet, but plan to pick it up next time out at the bookstore. I do subscribe to her blog and newsletter. Pretty informative and positive vibe!

  28. i'm about half way through the book and i really like it so far. it would be nice to own to be able to look back on a few things.


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