Sunday, August 23, 2009

About me

My name is Rachel and I write this blog. Here are some bits and pieces about me.

WORK: Yes, I do have a job and it is in no way related to blogging. I work in a lab, on the educational end of things rather than the research end.

PHOTOS: Update! In September 2012 my much abused D40 finally got replaced. I got the next lowest model, the D3200. The basic kit I linked to includes a lens but I went to a local camera shop and bargained a bit so I essentially bought the kit but then sold the unused lens back to them. I'm still adjusting to the D3200 and I'll eventually get a review up. I do miss my D40 but it had gotten to the point where it was having a lot of trouble shooting and the cost to fix it didn't seem to make sense. I still use the same lenses, so that information still applies.

From the beginning of the blog through September 2012: I shoot with a Nikon D40 and I love it. Most of the time I use a fixed 35 mm lens. It doesn't zoom, so it takes a bit of getting used to, but it's my absolute favorite. I generally shoot with the aperture pretty wide open (around 2 is my standard, but it depends on the situation). I have a fixed 50 mm lens as well, but I tend to use the 35 mm more often.

I also have a pretty standard 18 - 55 mm lens that came with my camera and I used it a lot in the beginning. It does zoom, so I'll still take it out when I'm in situations where I might need that capability, usually if I'm shooting outside with other people and just want to get quick shots.

I don't use any fancy equipment other than a tripod (when I can be bothered to get it out). I use Photoshop for small adjustments but I'm no expert.

SEWING MACHINE: My mom generously gifted me a Janome when I first learned to sew. It isn't available anymore but it's similar to this model. It's amazingly easy to use. I still do a lot of handsewing, for small details.

FABRIC SUPPLIERS: I'm lucky enough to live in a city with lots of fabric options. I shop at F&S a lot - they have the best selection of silks and wools. If you're looking for amazing silks, you need to track down a store that specializes in dressmaking fabrics. Quilting stores are great for cotton prints and craft stores are okay for synthetics, but only a clothing fabric store will really have a huge variety of silks and jerseys and high quality linens.

PLACES: I live in Los Angeles and I grew up in Orange County. I'm seriously attached to Southern California. I studied abroad in Athens, Greece and my family lived there when I was a baby, so I pretend that Greece is my other homeland. I attended Scripps College in Claremont and I couldn't have had a better college experience. I double majored in biology and English and I like to think it balanced me out a bit.

THE DOG: Circe is a wire fox terrier and she technically doesn't belong to me. My parents bought her while I was still living at home, so I consider her to be partly mine. But really, she's our family dog and we're all obsessed with her. Wire fox terriers are sturdy and sweet and like to get into trouble. They are also quite a bit of trouble to groom, but worth it. We use this cheater comb on Circe, to avoid the tedious hand grooming method we're supposed to use. I'd love a dog of my own, but we live in a no pets apartment. Snowy is a relatively recent addition and you can read a little bit about how we accidentally ended up with him right here. He's some sort of mutt and probably has a bit of terrier heritage. DECEMBER 2013 UPDATE - We found a pet-friendly apartment and adopted Circe and she now lives with us full time. She's taken to being an only dog like a duck to water and we're over the top in love with her.

THE GUY: D is my husband. He's an architect. We've been best friends for most of our lives and we have a lot of fun together. His name is actually Dustin but I refer to him as D 90% of the time both on here and in real life. I realize an initial seems like a weird nickname, but it's better than Dust.

ADVERTISING/$$ STUFF: To date, I haven't accepted any advertising on the blog, but I'll update if I ever do. I do use affiliate links with Amazon, but only for products I've purchased and love, and only because I was already linking to stuff on Amazon before they made the affiliate program so easy to use. I'll never recommend anything that I wouldn't have purchased myself.

If I've linked to a product on Amazon and you click on it, I receive a small commission if you end up buying the item. If you aren't comfortable with that, you can make a note of the item name and then look for it in a new tab, or go to the item itself but clear your cache before you purchase.

Every once in a blue moon I will accept items for review, generally only books. These items will only make it onto the blog if I find myself using them regularly and would actually have been willing to spend the money on them myself. I have never accepted money for a post and I don't see that happening in the future. Too forced for me to feel comfortable. 


  1. I discovered your blog just few days ago and i immediately fell in love with it! It's so colorful, it gives me a sense of joy and i really like your you have a new fan from Milan now ;)

  2. And you have a new fan from Brighton, England. Your blog makes me feel all crafty (not in the scheming villain sense, obviously). I tried your tomato-coconut chicken recipe last night and loved it. Very happy tummy. Keep up the good blogging! Love.

  3. I love your blog about Hawaii and what to pack. Can you please tell me where you got those white ruffly sandals??? I really want them and I cant get over how cute they are. Please!!!

  4. hi! i just stumbled across your blog and i love it!!

  5. I read Cupcakes & Cashmere daily (in the morning w/ my coffee) and have been searching for another fun, quick & inspiring blog to add to my blog roll to no avail. And then I found yours. Adore. Another fan from the greatest of all Midwest states: Minnesota!

  6. Like the previous poster, I stumbled upon 'Cupcakes and Cashmere' mid 2010 while on my university holiday break, bored and sitting on the couch. From there, I started checking out the other blogs that she read and then, stumbled upon yours. All I can say You are amazingly gifted with all of your wonderful ideas, creativity, baking abilities and I can't believe you still have time to go to your job, look after two dogs and keep your plants alive. I struggle to work, study, buy food and have a boyfriend. You have become my daily dose of inspiration and I have just spent a whole weekend reading all of your posts from your very first. I am going to attempt to create a herb garden (much to my boyfriend's shock but complete support)and I have dug out all of my craft supplies and revisiting my lost love (unfortunately my creativism went on the back burner after I decided to study fulltime). Oh, and the baking has been excellent. My boyfriend is seriously impressed. Thank you!

  7. I have no idea how did i get here, but I realised it's quite a good blog. Really. I'm kind of a fan of what you cook. I'm from Chile (the reason of my very bad english)

  8. This is a most gorgeous blog. I love your attitude and your images. You got it going on, girl. Thanks for sharing of yourself with the rest of us.


  9. I use a nikon d4o too - it's the best!


  10. I adore ur blog, it is so inspiring!! I love the pictures u take and the mix of style, living and recipes. What a funny coincidence that I just came back from my year in Athens, I studied there and just love Greece!
    I also came across Heart of Light because I’m a daily reader of Cupcakes & Cashmere, well now I guess I have to read two blogs every day :) Keep on writing and posting, u r doing an amazing job!!
    Lisa from Germany

  11. Love it already and I've read a few entries so far! Glad I found you to add to my reading list!!

  12. I've just read a few of your post, but i can already tell that i'm going to be coming in here a lot. You're a fun blogger, that's for sure. But when i saw: D is my boyfriend. He's an architect. We've been best friends for most of our lives and we have a lot of fun together. - i couldn't help but think that you could be the girl behind the Cosmopolitan, 77 positions in 77 days. That girl talks about her boyfriend as D just like you and i also think that you sound alike in your blogging, haha. Anyways, nice blog and keep it up :)

  13. I just found your blog and I am so glad I did. It is really quite awesome!

  14. I love your blog, your creativity and wit are so refreshing! xo

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I love your blog! You inspired me to make a blog by I'm blogging since september. Thank you for your inspiration and wonderful pictures!
    Maybe you would like to take a look at my blog?

    xo Aurelia

  17. I just discovered you, I adore your photography and the way you write things. I'm pretty excited to make a blog of my own once I figure out how to do that and not have it look like a complete fail, thanks for the daily inspiration. Your sight is appreciated

  18. Hi, I was searching for a pizza recipe in Cupcakes and Cashmere, 4 days ago and I found your blog! So, since that day I've been reading it! I'm currently in April 2010! And going strong hahaha!
    New fan from Brazil!

  19. Haha, I just discovered this page (how long have I been reading your blog). I think you need to edit the part about D being your boyfriend. Just sayin'.

  20. Happy Tuesday! You have another fan to add to this list. Very grateful for mouse clicks today. :)

    Can't wait to read more!

  21. Hello Rachel:

    I read Em's blog everyday, and, today she posted a link to your blog, very glad she did! I will be reading your blog as well! NIce to meet you! :)

  22. Your blog is vey delightful! I am a huge follower of Cupakes and Cashmere and came across this from Emily's bridal shower post.

    I will defentetly be coming back :)

    Jess -

  23. Your blog is vey delightful! I am a huge follower of Cupakes and Cashmere and came across this from Emily's bridal shower post.

    I will defentetly be coming back :)

    Jess -

  24. Love your blog! Came across it from Emily's blog. Love all your fun tips and stories. Happy to be following now! :)

  25. What a lovely blog! I'm yet another loyal follower of Emily's who came across your blog from her bridal shower post (gotta love the flow of web traffic, huh?). I already have a growing list of DIY projects I'm hoping to attempt this weekend - your photos are simply inspiring! x

  26. Lovely blog. Question? How did you create the picture link for this page?

  27. So happy to have found your little corner of the web. I really enjoy your posts and find myself often coming back for more. Thanks for all you share. xx

  28. I love ur blog! Speacially friday flowers. Ur blog is really inspiring! Thanks a lot! Regards from Brazil!

  29. Just found your blog--I love it! Thanks for all the inspirational posts!

    The Glossy Life

  30. Hey Rachy (as Em calls you)! Just wanted to tell you finally that I really love your blog. Your pictures are fantastic and your ideas and recs are always spot on. Thoroughly enjoyed on the regular :).

  31. I absolutely love your blog! Just came across it today and I can't turn away.

  32. Greetings fronm Greece, love yr blog, it's a daily habit!

  33. Just stumbled across your blog and I'm very glad I did! The perfect mix of stories and recipes and life. Will certainly be visiting again. You have a new Australian Fan!
    Jess |

  34. Hi Rachel,
    I've been following your blog for a while and am a big fan- it always makes me smile when it pops up on my feed reader. Anyway, I live in London but am coming to LA/Southern California for the first time on vacation at the beginning of July. I have a bit of obsession with pie, which isn't half as good over here, and was wondering if you had any recommendations for places to get good fruit pie in LA. Also, any LA tips in general would be good- other than the obvious tourist stuff!

    1. Hi, Anna! I don't currently have a post up with my LA recs and I need to do that! I'll try to do it before summer, when people start their vacations.

      I wish I had pie recommendations! I make/eat a lot of pie but almost never get it when I'm out. I've heard good things about The Pie Hole (downtown LA) but I've only windowshopped there.

      When in doubt, I like to refer to the LA Weekly and luckily they have a nice round up right here.

      I'll try to get a post with my LA recs up soon but please feel free to email me for them! I have a decent list but it takes forever to get it typed into the comment section here. : )

  35. Soo.. I came across your blog years ago and then couldn't find it again for the longest time. I only just read your profile and almost laughed out loud, because I'm currently studying biology and English and am married to an architect :) What are the odds, right?

    I'll have to bookmark your blog, so I'll never have to wait that long to get back to your lovely photos and writing ;)

  36. Just found your blog and I was excited to see that you studied abroad in Greece because I did too. There was a girl from Scripps in my program but I think I'm a bit older than you (I was there in '03) so I dont know if you would have known her.

    Excited to peruse your archives. This blog seems great :-)


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